Hayden Grambo
Currently has a waiting list
Provides services in CCS, Choices
Youth through Adult
Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges
Hayden is from the Chippewa Valley; though he has lived in other cities, he found himself always moving back to make the area his home. He comes to Milkweed with a variety of work and personal experiences that have introduced him to people from all walks of life. Hayden has an associate degree from UWEC, though feels his lived experiences have provided him with much more value.
Hayden has endured and overcome many life challenges. He has struggled with mental health, such as anxiety, depression, and being diagnosed with bipolar; as well as family members’ mental health. He’s battled with PTSD, hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts throughout his life. He has found his path to healing through surrounding himself with support from friends and family and realizing that mistakes and setbacks offer a chance to learn and grow.
His life experiences have shaped Hayden and make him understanding and supportive of others who struggle with mental health and need to be seen and heard.
As a trans man, Hayden is a member of the LGBTQ+ community. After years of feeling alone and hopeless, struggling with his gender identity, and being unable to put into words who he was, Hayden came out in 2017 to his girlfriend (now wife), and a few close friends. He reminds people everyone’s journey is their own, not everyone follows the same path. Hayden is always learning more about himself and the LGBTQ+ community as he navigates through his transition and gaining more confidence in who he is. Coming out later in life, Hayden believes representation matters, seeing someone who you can relate to being happy and “successful” can make a difference in someone’s life; you are not alone.
In his free time, Hayden has many interests and hobbies that keep him busy. He enjoys being outdoors, hiking, kayaking, camping, and spending time in his vegetable garden. He and his wife spend time doing crafts, working on projects around their house, going on adventures, playing video games, and taking care of their pets. “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”- Bob Marley; Hayden loves connecting with people through music and has often found comfort and refuge in it. He is a soccer fan and a US soccer supporter. He loves going to games and hopes to go to the World Cup in 2026.