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Ben Lester

Currently has a waiting list

Provides services in CCS


Peer and Youth Mentoring

Independent Living Skills



Male youth, all adults

Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges

Ben grew up in Hayward and Eau Claire with music in the house and a great respect for the outdoors.  Those formative years were encompassed by loving parents and an older brother to blaze the trail.  Their leadership and willingness to help others was an example that set the standard.  Although it galvanized many aspects of him, it did not grant a free pass in facing and overcoming hard times.


The last 20 years Ben has had a career playing drums, pedal steel, and piano with bands big and small.  Not only did he get to sight-see all around the world, he got a panoramic view of the harsh realities of substance abuse, financial hardship, burnout, and the barrage of mental health issues.


Erratic ups and downs of music led to array of odd jobs, including carpentry, that helped build invaluable skills.  Every day became a search for more stability.  Growing interests in hunting, fishing, foraging, gardening, cooking, preserving, reusing, recycling, and extending his own hands to others, it became apparent that being Christ-like is not about being perfect but rather striving to be present.  Finding comfort amidst struggle is where he has found the vulnerable solace in the healing we all deserve. 


“I believe that small efforts made every day is what accumulates to the bigger picture on our journey.  Seeking to see our intuitions in new ways to move mountains is what gives us strength, utility and beauty.”

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