Personal Medicine Coaching
Personal Medicine is an emerging evidence-based practice developed by Pat Degan, PhD. As a teenager, Pat was diagnosed with schizophrenia, placed on high doses of medication, and told she would never get well or recover. She was never told that she could take part in her own healing through small things she did every day - her Personal Medicine. After discovering her Personal Medicine by chance, she spent her life researching and developing ways for others to discover their own "healer within." She now runs Pat Deegan and Associates (PDA), training Certified Personal Medicine Coaches (CPMCs) and Trainers (CPMC-Ts) around the world.
Distinct from coping skills, Personal Medicine is unique to each individual and comes from our own experience. Someone's Personal Medicine could be climbing trees, solving math equations, or singing in a choir. The job of a Certified Personal Medicine Coach is to help people explore and clarify their own Personal Medicines, making them more powerful and adaptable to their life circumstances. Over time, one can cultivate many Personal Medicines, like a garden. Along with coaching skills, several tools have been developed by PDA to assist in this process as desired by the individual. In this way, Personal Medicine can be adapted for various challenges, including mental or physical health issues, spiritual needs, social needs, and so on.
Personal Medicine is not in opposition to prescribed medications. It simply recognizes that we can be part of the solution as well, finding balance between the things we do and the medications we may take. Research on Personal Medicine shows that people who use it are more active in their self-care, which leads to better health outcomes. Personal Medicine meets SAMHSA’s five core competencies for peer workers: recovery-oriented, person-centered, voluntary, relationship-focused and trauma-informed.
The following are Certified Personal Medicine Coaches through Pat Degan and Associates, LLC. and have exclusive access to modalities that can be utilized to identify and cultivate Personal Medicine: Rachel, Kate, Hope, Dan, and Shelley.
Rachel Hayden is also available to train CPMCs, and is one of the first and only Trainers in Wisconsin. Please inquire for more details if you are interested in taking or hosting this training! If you are interested in learning more about Personal Medicine Coaching, visit the PDA website.