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Rachel Hayden

Currently has a waiting list

Provides services in CCS, Choices

Peer Support

LGBTQIA + Peer Support

Tai Chi and Martial Arts

Meditation and Mindfulness


Personal Medicine Coaching

Ages 14+


Gender transition/de-transition 18+

Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges

Rachel wants you to know that you are absolutely a valuable person and worthy of connection, just as you are. A lot of us have hard roads to walk in life. Sometimes it seems like we are broken and need fixing, when what we most need is for people to care about us, to really listen and just be there and not judge. Rachel walks alongside others in radical non-judgement and support, giving people a space to be themselves and explore who they might become. Surviving trauma, abuse, self-hatred, addiction, and paranoia, along with hearing voices and seeing visions has given her a gentle touch with others. 


As a queer, trans, neurodiverse person, Rachel loves the diversity of people. She enjoys working with LGBTQIA+ people, neurodivergent people, and those with unusual lifestyles, from hardcore metalheads to knitting fanatics. She is sex-positive and is able to professionally hold space for people with various sexual or relational differences, such as ethical non-monogamy, kink, or asexuality. She recognizes that individual needs are all different, and that diversity is something to be celebrated, not shamed, because we all have something to offer the world. She describes herself as practicing a "religion that is not a religion," and is extremely open-minded about spirituality, from atheist to Orthodox.


Rachel likes to play music and write songs, talk to her spouse, do martial arts, read at coffee shops, dance, go shopping, put on makeup, cook, talk gender and philosophy on YouTube, and play way too much Skyrim and other video games. She says that the best thing in the world is going out to brunch with friends. 

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